德是什麼意思? What does the word—德 mean? 【“德” (dé ) 是什麼意思?】 上個週末你也去華山野餐嗎? 你知道旁邊的八德商圈賣什麼嗎? Did you go picnic last weekend as well? Having a lot of fun there. You know what sells in the “Bādé Shopping Distric” right next to you? 八德又是哪八德呢? And what exactly the Eight Dé refers? 等等,我們看一看生活中的“德” Wait, shall we take a look around--- “德” in daily life: 也有一句中國成語「厚德載物」,這句話最早出現在易經裡。 And there is a old Chinese idiom reads like this「厚德載物」(hòu dé zǎi wù ) which appears at the earliest in I-Ching, a book can dates back to 1000–750 BC.
拆解漢字 Formation of Chinese characters Formation of Chinese characters In this lesson, you will learn some history of Chinese characters. You will also learn how Chinese characters are formed.
漢字到底是什麼 ?What exactly is a Chinese character then? It may be obvious to some, less to others, but the Chinese writing system is not based on an alphabet.
漢字從哪裡開始? Where should we start? 來說一說漢字的歷史 Let's talk about the history of Chinese Character The origin of the Chinese antique script is very long and there are not enough documentary resources about its history.
誰需要《奇妙的漢字》課?Who needs this? 你想的和他們一樣嗎? 學習中文就是想要看得懂神秘的菜名、路上的標示,甚至是電影的字幕! 不管學了多久的中文還是只能自我介紹,到Coco買飲料嗎? 怎麼開口和台灣人說話,還要留下美好的印象,最重要的就是一個“對”的話題,一個完美的“期待”。 這堂課要帶大家從漢字認識華人文化,從台灣討論世界議題。 快加入我們!